Notice and Note

Notice and Note for Fiction Signposts enable students to closely read a piece of literature and find deeper meaning. Each of the six signposts allows students to STOP when they see each in a text and answer an anchor question. This often leads to a better analysis of the text, and enables students to make predictions regarding the conflict and theme.Thanks to Kylene Beers and Bob Probst for introducing this wonderful strategy. Attached is a padlet for a Notice and Note Signpost Hunt for Pax:

Notice and Note Padlet

I have also attached anchor charts because most teachers use some form of these to teach them.


Fish in a Tree: Learning about Dyslexia

Mrs. Heffler’s 6th grade LA class have started to learn about dyslexia:

We read this article ‘Understanding Dyslexia‘  from Kids Health and were surprised about the facts and misconceptions about dyslexia. Dyslexia has nothing to do with being smart! There are so many brilliant and creative famous people (like Ally) that are plagued by dyslexia.


We also watched a Ted Talks video to gain more knowledge.


Then we reflected on how it difficult it would be to read (the yellow picture) for someone with dyslexia.



Activity: Based on the article “Understanding Dyslexia” as well as the video and picture above, do you think that dyslexia is misunderstood? Use evidence to support your response.

Let’s include our voices this week in our responses. You can use one of the following apps or introduce the participants to one of your favourites.

Suggested apps:  Write About This, Explain Everything,


Mrs. Wendy Heffler

6th Grade Language Arts
Demarest Middle School

LA 6 Heffler

Denmarest Middle School
Demarest Middle School

Demarest Middle School- Demarest, New Jersey

We are 85 students in the sixth grade at Demarest Middle School. Our school houses grades 5-8. Demarest is a small town in Northern New Jersey, but quite close to New York City. In the center of town is a beautiful duck pond, and historic train station, surrounded by a few shops. We are a 1:1 school, and are lucky enough to have Macbooks for each student. We enjoy all four seasons, and are looking forward to the fall when we begin the Global Read Aloud with Fish In A Tree.

We just received a signed poster from the author in the mail!